Who is excited for the new Harry Potter book and the fantastic beasts and where to find them movie cause I'm still fangirling over it. 
          	Follow my social media 
          	Instagram: _.lost.in.wonderland._
          	Sc: heyitschelsea2


So I was really board so im gonna do just some random facts about me so we can feel more close
          1. My name is Chelsea Elaine my nickname is Mousey 
          2. I'm 14 years old
          3. I'm obsessed with heavy metal and Indi rock
          4. My favourite band atm is probably New Year's Day 
          5. Favourite song rn is the death of a bachelor p!atd
          6. I'm from the sun shine coast, Queensland, Australia 
          7. My hobbies include drawing, reading ( I'm correctly reading the vampire academy book 6) skateboarding, fangirling, and YouTube 
          8. Obsessed with supernatural and American horror story 
          9. Obsessed with vampires
          10. Still haven't stopped freaking out over the new Harry Potter and the courst child
          11. Obsessed with Harley Quinn, batman, joker
          12. I have eight piercings and getting more very soon
          13. I wish to be a successful you tuber as well as a piercer or tv and movie sfx makeup artist
          14. Horror is my favourite type of movies
          15. I grew up on a farm
          I can't think of anymore I hope you enjoy and we have things in common ❤️


Hey guys.... I know I haven't been updating a lot lately but I've been struggling a lot with mental illnesses. 
          As some of you may know my baby cousin who was like a brother to me pasted away and that's what triggered my depression off severely. I haven't been myself I've lost weight I've become grumpy all the time and I think that people will leave me. I begun self harming which I thought helped but it only did for a couple days till the urge came back. 
          Starving and self harming took over my life. 
          I was struggling. I'm on antidepressants and see a therapist every week. Although it doesn't help that much. 
          It was almost one year ago that he was taken from us. 
          Thanks for understanding I'll try to update as soon as I can. 


Thank you Hun. I'm trying to recover it is extremely hard as I still have bad days but I am getting there


@xxMOUSEYxx I understand, if you ever need anything just talk to me. I'm Aussie too. 


Hi guys, ummmmm so I might not be updating as much because it turns out that I have and in the doctors words a severe mental disorder by the way I'm 13. It all started because I self harm myself life just gets to me I'm not in the place I belong people piss me off and an other thing that comes up is that I was abused as a small child but not any more I was abused by my farther but my mother got us out. Someone at school dobbed me in so now I have to go to a child canceller or something so yeah........ If you have any questions please feel free to message me or if your going through the same and just want some one to talk to