

“someone said do i care about race. um , no , not at all , we’re all people. its like everyones so focused on the exterior & im so bummed out about that. like thats what our society trains us think its like we judge people on their exteriors. its like people are so much deeper than that, you know what i mean. this is just a shell , its just the way that we are. but were so much deeper. we have a heart , we have a mind , we have a soul. you know what i mean. like if people could get past the exteriors i feel like thats when things will change. people will truly love & not care about the way that they look. thats why i dont care , thats why i dont try to follow fads with clothing. i just , i get things that i like & i just put them on y’know. like all these stupid necklaces & stuff. i just get silly clothes, or silly hats, to show people that like it doesnt matter. we’re all just here & like we’re supposed to have fun. & i have fun with everything , have fun with my clothes. its like when we get past the exteriors & dig deeper. thats what we really need to do.”
          — 	 christopher drew.♥