
          	Okkaaaaayyy xD
          	Okayy! xP


@Iamironman Girll. Add mehh, cuz I need to tell you something about kate. She wont be on for a while, and if u wanna know why, u can just fan me and talk to me, or inbox me or something. She wanted me to go on, since she wont be for like 3 months... Yeahh, it was bad. Just message me?


S-M-A-C-K *You've been hit* . Did it hurt ? You have been considered one of the prettiest >>GIRLS<< ever ^^. Thats right sucker . Once you've been hit, you have to hit 15 pretty girls . If you get hit again you will know that you are really pretty . If you break the chain , You'll have ugliness for 10 years . I can't risk it so hit 15 pretty girls on your friends list to let them know that they are pretty ♥♥♥ :)