
Hiya! I heard that you were having a rough time and I just want you to know that you’re amazing and you’re valid! Take care of yourself. Drink some water, get some sleep and remember to take time for yourself!! <3


Hey there! Heard you were having a rough time at the moment so I just thought I’d come and say you’re amazing, you’re loved, and I really hope things start to look up for you. You’re an awesome person and I’m sending my love and energy hoping you’ll feel better soon. The world is lucky to have you, don’t ever forget it. Take care of yourself <3 


@applx_crumblx  thank you!! you're really sweet and i appreciate tou taking your time to write this ♡


Hi! I heard from some.... Connections.... That you are going through hard times. I just wanna tell you that, you got this! It might be hard right now but I believe that you can get through this. We all do. We hope you feel better afterwards! Have a good day and don't forget to take care of yourself:D!!!!


thank you for the kind message, i appreciate you taking your time to write it :). you're very kind and i hope you have a good day aswell!


Hello! I heard you were having a hard time lately and I just wanted to tell you that you’re amazing! I hope your days start to go better! I’m sending you my energy in hopes that you start to feel better! 
          Keep smiling and keep doing your best! We’re all here for you!!


aaa thank you so much for the kind message. i appreciate it so much and i hope you're doing ok too <3


hey :))) just wanted to let you know that you're so creative and amazing, you're a wonderful human being and the world should be proud to have you here, you matter and you're loved, if you ever need to talk, we're all here for you whenever and for whatever reason, have a good night/ day, take care of yourself <3 <3 <3


thank you so much! this really warmed my heart and i appreciate you taking your time to write this. you are very nice and i hope you're well too ♡


Hi, I heard that you were having maybe mentally hard time. I'm sorry for what ever happened if anything happened. I just want to let you know that you are the best idea maker I have ever heard of! We are all very proud of you and you matter to all of us! Much love and support. It will get better! Remember to eat and hydrate and take care of yourself <33 


my god thank you!! you're all so kind and i am really lucky to have all of your support! thank you for the pleasant message and i hope you're well too! you're a very kind hearted person and i appreciate you aswell ❤️


Hi! I heard you are having a bad time. I'm really sorry hope you get better soon! If you need someone to talk i'm here to help you. Remember you are loved and don't forget to drink water, eat and other stuff! One more time hope you get better soon! :]


thank youu for the kind message, i really do appreciate it a lot! i hope the same goes for you and you're a very mellow person and i hope you have a good day ♡


hello! I heard you have a hard time, I just wanna say that I bet you are amaizing, and I'm proud of you! :) I hope you'll get better and that things will get better!! Don't forget you are valid, you are loved!! You should eat and drink now it's good for your health! Have a nice day/night <3


 thank you so much, i deeply appreciate all of you and can't express how hard this message hit me. you're truly lovely and i hope the same goes for you ;_; ♡