
My aunt visited with her 7 yr old daughter and she friggin deleted all my stories!!!! I  dont have backup anywhefe.!! Wth am I supposed to do now..


Beautiful person award!
          Once you get this award you should paste it to a
          conversation of 8 people who deserve it. Nothing
          happens if you break this chain, but it's nice to let
          someone know they're beautiful inside and out..
          Whenever you are down, remember that I'm always
          here, and that I always love you and will look up to
          you, and that I always want you to be happy and keep smiling.
          l just want to let you know that things can get difficult at times and life will be showing its cruelty to you, but it's okay to cry, it's okay to swear and shout, and never bottle it up.
          Whatever you do, just don't give up, just as much ugly life can get, it is always worth living. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
          You deserve the world.


Everybody who has been reading my books. I am sorry to say that I have deleted them. I also unpublished chapters of my formerly titled ' Romanogers one shots' now known as 'Black widow one shots' which I am editing and adding more chapters too.
          If u have any requests, you can either comment on my book or on this page.


@Paige--13 my stories will not be reposted unfortunately. Except for the one-shots book.... I am very sorry.


when will u repost them?