
So lately I've been writing my new book called 'Set Me Free,' (shameless plug there), so occasionally I forget that I have written and finished two other books. And then I come back to this lovely site and see a bundle of notifications from people who have followed me or voted for a chapter or have added either 'Cinderella Man' or 'A Drunken Mistake, to their library and every time I do this I'm in awe. 
          	I never once imagined that I would have so many people reading my books let alone have this many people liking them enough to vote for them. But once again you all manage to shock me and make me so goddamn happy that I chose this site to write on. For years I've been flitting in and out of this writing thing and for years I've been wondering if I should keep doing it, but then I remember all of you and your support and suddenly I want to write again. I have so many ideas for books (too many sometimes... my drafts on Wattpad is filled with half written story ideas!) and someday I will hopefully make all these ideas into a reality. 
          	And it's all because of you lovely people. So once again, I urge you to vote if you enjoy something, comment if you have an idea for me, even message me if you want to say hi! I do what I do because of this site and the people on it. 
          	So once again, I want to leave you all a sappy message where I thank each and everyone of you for being the amazing followers you are!
          	So thank you! 
          	(P.s. if you did want to check 'Set Me Free' out, I won't stop you, in fact I'll will happy accept it! I'm actually really excited about this one and for once I haven't had such a terrible upload record with it... so there's that!) 


this message may be offensive
@Get_Shit_Done1200 thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it! Like I said, i wrote that book so many years ago (I started it when I was 13 I think and I'm now 20 ) that I sometimes forget that people still read it! To know that you enjoy it enough to leave me a message honestly means the world to me! Thank you for being awesome :) 


@xxborntostandoutxx you're amazing! I love your story Drunken Mistake. You are great, you should get discovered here on wattpad soon ❤


So lately I've been writing my new book called 'Set Me Free,' (shameless plug there), so occasionally I forget that I have written and finished two other books. And then I come back to this lovely site and see a bundle of notifications from people who have followed me or voted for a chapter or have added either 'Cinderella Man' or 'A Drunken Mistake, to their library and every time I do this I'm in awe. 
          I never once imagined that I would have so many people reading my books let alone have this many people liking them enough to vote for them. But once again you all manage to shock me and make me so goddamn happy that I chose this site to write on. For years I've been flitting in and out of this writing thing and for years I've been wondering if I should keep doing it, but then I remember all of you and your support and suddenly I want to write again. I have so many ideas for books (too many sometimes... my drafts on Wattpad is filled with half written story ideas!) and someday I will hopefully make all these ideas into a reality. 
          And it's all because of you lovely people. So once again, I urge you to vote if you enjoy something, comment if you have an idea for me, even message me if you want to say hi! I do what I do because of this site and the people on it. 
          So once again, I want to leave you all a sappy message where I thank each and everyone of you for being the amazing followers you are!
          So thank you! 
          (P.s. if you did want to check 'Set Me Free' out, I won't stop you, in fact I'll will happy accept it! I'm actually really excited about this one and for once I haven't had such a terrible upload record with it... so there's that!) 


this message may be offensive
@Get_Shit_Done1200 thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it! Like I said, i wrote that book so many years ago (I started it when I was 13 I think and I'm now 20 ) that I sometimes forget that people still read it! To know that you enjoy it enough to leave me a message honestly means the world to me! Thank you for being awesome :) 


@xxborntostandoutxx you're amazing! I love your story Drunken Mistake. You are great, you should get discovered here on wattpad soon ❤


So I haven't been on Wattpad for a couple of weeks now and decided to finally re-click on the little app on my phone to see what's been happening while I've been distracted by life. 
          I had 159 notifications! Every single one was from people voting on 'A Drunken Mistake' and 'Cinderella Man' or leaving me comments or starting to follow me. 
          I wasn't expecting this, not in the slightest! I'm in shock right now at this support and wanted to thank each and every one of you. Sometimes I have little doubts where I think my books aren't good enough, where I wonder if I can even write at all. But your votes and comments make me have a little bit of belief that hey, maybe I'm not so bad at this. 
          You're all amazing, wonderful, lovely people and your continued support of my work is treasured and appreciated. 
          To my new followers, well hello! Welcome! You'll soon realise that I can be a little boring and occasionally disappear without a trace, but know I'll always come back and continue to do what I love. 5 years ago I joint this site and I can't believe how far I've come since then. I've evolved so much as a writer and I have Wattpad, as well as all of you, to thank! 
          I'll stop boring you all now and let you get back to your every day lives. But I'll leave you with this. I will continue to probably have a track record of crappy updates and will sometimes forget that I need to upload the chapters that I find time to write. But know, I will finish them all and I'll always come back to bring you chapters! 
          Thank you for reading my lovelies! 


So, I've created a new story! Well, actually I've started two. 
          The first ones called 'The Little Book Shop'. If you want something cutesy and uplifting than this is the one for you!
          The other one is called 'Set Me Free'. This one is a lot of more action based, a little darker. If you want something that has romance but also action, than I recommend this one!
          Please, feel free to come have a read. I promise my track record will be improved when it comes to uploading. 
          Thank you. 


Okay, I had a very sad moment today... I was looking on my page and noticed that A Drunken Mistake has 46,000 views!! That's unbelievable... I'm actually in shock! To everyone that has read it, thank you so much! I never expected to get this much support, especially since I've been dragging it out for four years now! But anyway, just wanted to share my joy with you all! 
          P.S... I may have just started writing a new story! It's called 19th century girl if any of you fancy checking it out... I'm actually very excited by it! 


I can't even begin to explain the amount of support I've suddenly got from you guys on Cinderella Man! It's sudden and surprising and I'm so grateful to all of you! If I'm being honest, I started to lose interest in that story as you could probably tell by my uploading, but the way you've all stuck by me and the story is amazing...
          I'm so grateful to each and every one of you, and I promise that I will make this story great for all of you.