Uh, hi Harley :). This is awkward but if you need someone to talk to you can message me...It might take me a few hours or days before I can answer but I will answer. I'm Patricia and I'm 16.I'm in college. I was bullied too when I was your age. You probably don't care about this information about me. I can't say that I went through the things you did. All I got was that most people hated me in school because I was too skinny, too quiet, liked "weird" music and fashion, hanged out with guys most of the time, apparently I was "emo", a goth and a nerd. I don't know why your friends...er...left...you... but if you did something bad and they got angry because of it then maybe they weren't your real friends in the first place. I'm sorry if this looks rude. Like what do I know, I never met you and I'm just a random wattpad user who wanted to talk to other wattpad users. right?
I hated school because bullied. I hated everyone on most days and usually kept to myself. The people that bullied me called me "walang kwenta" in english it means "useless". They also called me "tanga" it means "stupid". They also called me fat even though I was already severely underweight.
I'm an ex-self harmer. I have mood swings and it doesn't help that everyone annoys me. It got to a point where I wanted to feel so....yeah...
Anyway, you may or may not reply to me...but if you do need someone to talk to...I'll try my best to understand :)