hey everyone!! it's been what a year since ive been on here?? ive just been feeling crazy nostalgic the past few days and watt pad is essentially where it all started. i love all you guys so much i met such amazing people on here but also struggled a lot with my mental health. and im not blaming anyone i was just a 14 year old experimenting with the Internet and that's what all my 'friends' were doing as well, we didn't know any better. now that i look back and really delve deep into those few years it really dawns on me how emotionally needing we all were. i feel like seeing all these people on tiktok insta snap having these picture esque lives really showed us how lonely we are. and we found refuge in these strangers online who struggled like us. im not saying what we did is wrong and we should be ashamed of it im saying our emotionally vulnerable 13/14 yer old selves didn't know any better and that's okay. teenagers shouldn't be spending 8/9/10 hours a day on their phones talking to strangers giving these strangers full responsibility of their happiness it shouldn't work like that. these teens should be outside on walks in the park out shopping with their mates having quality time with their family. again im not shunning anyone who went through this/ is going througb this im saying it gets better. it really does. i know i shouldn't be saying this but how many times did i threaten my online friends that i was gonna kill my self if they didn't reply to my text in 5 minutes. that isn't right. it isn't.
i still remember all my friends and significant others that i got involved with how could i ever forget them. in a way they shaped me to be who i am today. so if your still on here and can see this, i love you and miss you ace jordan aisha and ocy.