
"Bad habits die hard."


I’ve seen a lot of hate on the internet and normally I wouldn’t say anything, but it got to the point where I can’t keep my mouth shut anymore. Everyone has their own opinion, it’s a fact. And everyone has the right to express it. But when you express yourself, it doesn’t mean that you have to be offensive to others. Expression doesn’t have limits, but we have to make sure we use the right words when we share our opinion with someone else. People will always judge before they even get to know you, everyone does it. I’ve done it. And I still do it sometimes, I’m not gonna lie. But now whenever I find myself criticizing other people, before I speak I try to stop and think twice. How can I judge someone, if I don’t know them? I don’t know what it’s like to walk in their shoes. I don’t know what it’s like to live their life’s. I don’t know what’s it’s like to be them. I don’t know. So why would I criticize something if I have no knowledge about it? We might not realize, but there are consequences for our actions. People have feelings and sometimes, they get hurt. They get really hurt. We should at least try to understand how it is to be in their position and have some respect for them. Words are weapons, just like guns are. So please, make sure you use them right. There’s too many people fighting against each other in this world when we’re supposed to be united. Spread love not hate.


@SLAYMEDINAH Thanks girl 
            I hope you don't forget that you're beautiful too!!!
            Have an awesome day <3


@xxcamzjaureguixx "words are knives and often leave scars"  
            well said boo, you're right about everything you mentioned *claps*
            have a great day and dont forget youre beautiful <3