
kui...kui...kui...kui...minggu depan dh nk exam!! oommaaaiiigaaadd!!! jadi,author nk bagitau,author mungkin akan lambat update yerr....yer laa..author kann nk kene belajar..jgn marah eaa...tapi,lepas dh habis minggu exam,author pon buzy jgakk..xD hehehehe..bukan apa..kann exo nk wat concert kat kl..jadi,author tgh sibok nk tgk perfomances diorang kat youtube or V apps...lagi 1,bulan 3 nieh jgakk author ngan kwn author cadang nk tgk wayang..nk tgk boboiboy the movie! xD..agagaggagaag..jadi,so sorry sesangat klau author terlambat update yer..nnti klau author dh update,author update bebanyak yer...


kui...kui...kui...kui...minggu depan dh nk exam!! oommaaaiiigaaadd!!! jadi,author nk bagitau,author mungkin akan lambat update yerr....yer laa..author kann nk kene belajar..jgn marah eaa...tapi,lepas dh habis minggu exam,author pon buzy jgakk..xD hehehehe..bukan apa..kann exo nk wat concert kat kl..jadi,author tgh sibok nk tgk perfomances diorang kat youtube or V apps...lagi 1,bulan 3 nieh jgakk author ngan kwn author cadang nk tgk wayang..nk tgk boboiboy the movie! xD..agagaggagaag..jadi,so sorry sesangat klau author terlambat update yer..nnti klau author dh update,author update bebanyak yer...


hyee anneyong (^-^) followback and mind to read my story , vote and comment also ? do that if you don't mind (*^ω^*) tenkiuu (^v^)*bow*


yes sure honey ^^ if i've my free time i'll do that , insyallah ^^


@ShaxzKook271 hye..anyeong!!! if i have a time,i will read your story okehh..:-D thanx for following me and dont forget to read my story too..also vote... :-)