
I wish you all the best for 2017! Cheers xoxo


@ xxdonna, ik wens je een liefdevol, succesvol, inspirerend en gezond 2017 toe! XXX 


Hellooo followers! As you all know, I'm writing ''Yesterday's Girl'' for a school project. I have to hand in my story but also a report about the main question: how to write a story? At the moment, I'm spending more time on this report than the story, but I'll try my best to finish chapter 6 as soon as possible :). So for now, please continue reading if you haven't done that yet, like the other chapters and give feedback! Thanks!


@ xxdonna  ben benieuwd naar het volgende hoofdstuk! 


Hey, I got your comment on Instagram pic about your school project story. Which story is it? I'm here to read it XD


@fallen_angelinluv heyy it's the one that has not got a title yet ;p


Hii, I haven't been active here, but that's because I had other important things to do for school. I might post the next chapter this week(end). Just stay tuned and read the other chapters. Likes, comments and especially feedback is appreciated!


Hey there, chapter 4 is coming up! Hopefully posted tomorrow. For now, please check out the other chapters and the prologue that begins my story. It's for a school project and again, feedback would be very appreciated!! Just say anything, I don't mind. Just like and comment, don't be shy, I like to socialise with followers. Also on my drawing account @ instagram, it's "@_donnadraws". I thought there was a link to it on my profile here, not sure though. 
          Anyways, I'd like to hear from you!


Dear followers. I'm sorry for not posting Chapter 3 yet. It's kinda delayed, but I'm doing my best to post it this week. Perhaps even Chapter 4 if I can find the time for it.
          For now, I'd like to receive feedback on the first two chapters and the prologue. A reminder: this book is for a school project and I'm writing it in English but I'm a Dutch girl - that's why I'd love to hear feedback and to see likes and stuff. Just stay tuned! Thanks in advance :)


Dear (new) followers,
          I wanted you to know that I'm busy with chapter two for my school project book. It still has no title yet. If you haven't checked it out yet, please do. Feedback is very welcome!
          I also have gotten a new idea while writing and made a draft of it. More of the school project book soon! Have a nice weekend :)