this message may be offensive
Okay, so I just watched 'Hotel Mumbai' yesterday and it was the most moving film I have watched in a long time, to be more specific, I cried three times. I came to the realisation about how fucked this world is. If you haven't already heard, there was an attack in New Zealand and dozens of people have died and been injured. People who weren't ready to die, people who didn't deserve any of this. They are calling him a 'perpetrator" but refuse to use the word for what he really is, a terrorist. Why has our world come to a stage where people kill one another for the joy of seeing blood shed, why destroy a place that we have spent so long in nurturing and developing? My mum just told me less than a second ago , "avoid public places" but why do I have to live in fear? is this what the world has come to? Unfortunately, not everyone in this world can be good and I've learnt that despite my young naiveness. The movie was eye opening but so confronting. Every time those young, brainwashed boys fired their guns at innocent civilians my heart exploded and my mind became even more corrupted with violence. Some people don't realise the sheer reality of these attacks but it's really effected me. I can't speak too much about this matter because I don't know what it's like to be in that situation but I can only imagine the horror and distress. My latest chapter is dedicated to people who struggle to find a voice to speak about how they feel. Even if your problem is as little as not wanting to go to school because you feel sad or as big as loosing a loved one, talk to someone...anyone. Don't turn to violent or extremist terms. There are several services out there depending on which demographic you reside in that can help you. Also, I'm here if you ever need me. In saying this, sadly we have to be cautious about where we go and what we do so stay safe everyone xx