Chapter One Part 2
I finish and blow on my fingernails softly. I grab my backpack and tell Dad goodbye. I rush down the porch in a flash, luckily my legs do not fall off.
Donald’s Physical Therapy was only one block away, so I didn’t need to rush. My session started at seven, and it was only 6:50. I see Sam my best friend farther up the path. Today, he wears his usual polo shirt and khaki pants with glossy, smoothed back black hair.
“Sam!” I shout catching up with him. He turns around, his dark brown eyes showing pleasure. Sam smiles and wraps his arm around me. Sam doesn’t have anything wrong with him, but he still comes to class with me, so I have someone to talk to.
“Bonnie. Guess what?” Sam exclaims. “Let me just tell you, I got into Mullen High’s Science Camp! Isn’t that great?” Sam pauses for a moment to catch his breath. He looks at me with a smile stretched across his face.
I gulp and reply. “That’s great Sammy. You deserve it.” We continue to walk down the path in silence until we reach the old brick building. Lots of kids and adults line up outside the door. There are very few I know and probably around ten that I don’t.
Sam and I stand at the end of the line, behind a tall boy that is probably my age. He turns around, wearing a Bronco hat over his eyes and a dark red leather jacket. His hat comes off to reveal a boy with messy, dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes.
“Excuse me, but do you know who teaches the 7:00 session.” the boy says tilting his head, he was looking at me.
“Uh…” I stutter, breathing heavily. “Mr. Donald himself.” I shrug awkwardly, Why am I doing this?
“Thanks.” He says as he turns toward the door again. Sam looks at me with surprise. I roll my eyes because I know what he is thinking.