
@Hiloxx Haha No problem! Your stories are really good! Your an awesome writer! And thanks for the cupcake! Their one of my many weaknesses :D


Hey there! Me again X)
          hahaha to be honest with you 75% of the time i don't even know what I'm going to write about so i cnt rele give you ideaS! but i dnt write student/teacher romances idk why i jst dnt! but feel free to write one of those! its not lik ur stealing my thunder!!!! ahahahha 
          keep writing!


hey thanks so much for fanning and leaving tht awesome message! it means a lot!!
          and i know u said u keep checking so above the button where it says become a fan you cld add my story 2 ur library so u dnt have to keep checking 2 my webpagee!! jst a little tip if u need it;)
          thanks again!