
thanks jess for thinking my books aren’t bad haha 


Hello my dear readers, specifically the people who read Side Effects. I have a very important message regarding the future of the book. 
          I have tried for months, to find the motivation and time to provide a new chapter for you guys. And it's been so useless until I had this idea. I think a temporary unpublish is required.
          I will unpublish the book, and chapter by chapter release it again. That's only after I completely re-vamp it. Editing just won't cut it, it needs a complete cleanse. My reasoning is that everytime I read the earlier chapters, they fail to make sense and they succeed to make me cringe. I've improved by a huge margin with my writing, and the potential is so there but so wasted. 
          And that's how I'll find it in myself to continue and fulfil the books potential. It's a huge process for me to consider, but ill be so pleased when it's done. I'm no longer writing for fun, I'm writing to please. And that's fine by me, but I need to put in the work. And for my readers, I will.
          You'll be seeing more of me soon, I promise. The unpublish begins now, look forward to a new start.


Are u going to finish Side Effects? Because that had a really good plot going on tbh, and u left us on a cliff hanger.


Of course, sorry about what's happening, I hope it gets better.


@LimarioAndJennie I've got a chapter in the works ♡ With everything in my life it's taken a while. But because of this I will really try harder to get it finished. I'm glad you like it. I appreciate your support!