I'm shitting bricos I went downstairs. 2nd 3rd and 8th step has spiders.. right when I went on the floor in my basement. I look in the corner. 3 fucking more. Then I even another. Then I went in my dads room. I looked fucking above me and there was. Shitting spider right there. I moved and look more and saw another. Then I went out by the steps and a bit over. Saw 2 shitting more.. I was there for 5 minutes.. and I think the spiders are poisonous bc there brown and have fat asses like the other one. And my grandma died bc of the spider and she got bone and skin cancer from it apparently
Guys I'm pissing bricks. I went downstairs right to find a oujia board I found a spider!! I ran upstairs and starting crying.. anyways I went downstairs again with a fucking bodysuit. Safety glasses hoodie and long ass boot heels I looked like a fucking weird ass type of striper.. so I went to find it and just look and I found its buddy running across. So I look around. Found another one. Gave it food. Then I found his buddy. That's 3 more. I looked at where the other spiders buddy went. Found 3 more.. so in total.. that's about 7-9 in total I saw downstairs not including Jerry or bob. I went outside and found a tunnel spider. Then right next to. Oops I accidently found another spider outside my fucking window ima cry... so then I saw a jump spider outside next to it eating a fucking other spider like a little cannibal.. after that I needed to pee so bad. Then in the corner of the bathroom where the toilet it. Another big ass spider comes out of nowhere. So I'm just peeing on the edge of the fucking toilet. I dodged the toilet a lot. When I got up I threw a comb at it. It disappeared so I ran out the bathroom and threw my phone somewhere. I realised I had my phone in there so i used a fucking grabber to try and get my phone. It was hard. I went in 2 feet and moved a bit. A few hours later I'm trying and trying without seeing it and here I am
Hi guys I'm doing a oujia board hunt downstairs and upstairs and I found a 1950 elementary desk that's worth 500 and a old hand nail thingy from 1910-1920 that's worth 150