
After a long time not active here. And just get some information one of my stories got deleted because of some report.
          	Well is it time to move to another platform??
          	The bad news is that for that story I didn't have backup like hell, and almost forgot about the story 
          	For all readers so sorry for not being active for almost a year, cause real life is so hectic, and yeah.
          	Maybe for next, I will update at KK.
          	Thank you


@ xxlesliekwonxx  min cerita yg lain pada kemana


After a long time not active here. And just get some information one of my stories got deleted because of some report.
          Well is it time to move to another platform??
          The bad news is that for that story I didn't have backup like hell, and almost forgot about the story 
          For all readers so sorry for not being active for almost a year, cause real life is so hectic, and yeah.
          Maybe for next, I will update at KK.
          Thank you


@ xxlesliekwonxx  min cerita yg lain pada kemana


Hallo, semuanya!
          Kerjaan di real life lagi banyak bgt. Jadi maaf belum bisa aktif nulis banget.
          Sebetulnya sambil cicil nulis juga, dan udah ada beberapa draft, semoga bisa cepat publish dan lanjut nulis walaupun deadline kerjaan sampai akhir tahun makin numpuk.


@ xxlesliekwonxx  d tnggu thor


Hallo semuanya,
          Maaf banget belum bisa update cerita mana pun karena sibuk dengan RL yang memang lagi hectic banget. 
          Kalau ada waktu luang, diusahakan untuk update secepatnya.
          Dan, buat kalian yang sudah baca dan vote terimakasih banyak ya!
          Kaget juga, pas awal iseng nulis hampir setahun ga ada yang baca. Tiba-tiba wow langsung banyak banget. Sekali lagi terimakasih ya!