
to those whom have been following my stories and everything I wanted to inform that I will be working on them again and hope to keep up with the updates


Well just to inform everyone. Yes Im still alive.. No I haven't given up my stories, just in case anyone is thinking that. Im actually writing this little note thing to inform everyone that follows me and reads my stories that I will be updating tonight. Im finally around a computer and itll be easier to update with no distractions. Also to everyone that is a follower and reads my stories, I will be starting another story. this story is actually beinng started because I got a request for it and well I have to much of a heart to turn down a request to someone that would like a story written for them. so @SuicideRoom I hope to seriously get that started tonight for you hun :) btw I love all of you dearly. Much Love! 


well holy shit!! 45, 897 reads on Please Tell Me Your Secrets Again ~Austin Carlile~ Thank you so much to any of my followers that have read this! Thank you so much to those of you that have read my stories or my Austin Carlile story! I love you all!! Thank you sooooooo much!! I never thought I could actually make that far with that many people reading! It means so much to me!! Thank you!! I love you all 


To my fellow readers and followers. If you read any of my stories, like 'Please, Tell Me Your Secrets Again ~Austin Carlile~' or 'You Left Without Goodbye ~Jimmy The Rev Sullivan~' or 'Long Lost Souls ~Shayley Bourget~' Be excepting something from those very soon. I will be updating tonight on them. Im in kinda a writers mood, and I also figured I would actually give you the pleasure of an update or two on these stories. Sorry for the inconvenience. Im horrible updater, and a horrible writer. I hope I havent lost any touch with my story, but if I go back thru and remember where I was maybe I will have an awesome update for you. I love you all! Im sorry if I disappointed any of you, but I love you all!!


@BandsSavedMyLife  Expect a little Valentine's Day suprise!


Yayyyyy! Oh my god yessssssssss