Alright everyone!! Thanks to Echelons bombarding Billboard accusing us of cheating, they have closed the poll and will make a new poll and will close August 17. Which means that we'll have to start over. They will probably limit the votes to 1/day. So we'll need to inform all the k-vips and j-vips about this and get all YG stans to vote. Anyone know how to get the word out to our asian vips?
If we don't win this, we'll probably never hear the end of these cheating accusations. And some of the Echelons are already back to underestimating us, thinking that we're nobodys once again.
Let's not give them the satisfaction of branding us as a cheating and irrelevant fandom. Instead, let's make DAMN sure that they NEVER EVER forget who we are, who we support and what we can achieve!!!
cto. Rachel via