my dear followers,
first off, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for disappearing, leaving you all hanging like that. Each day I come back and see how many followers I've gained and it hurts my heart to know that I can't even look at my books anymore.
these books were written in a time in my life where I was a horrid writer. and I apologize if they are so cringe worthy, haha.
second off, I've graduated! now that I'm free basically and can come up with my own schedule, I've vowed to go back and either revamp the series or rewrite the series. I know I've said this multiple times but, I think this time I'm going to suck it up and focus on my books for a little while.
third, thank you all. from the bottom of my heart, thank you all. I love each and every one of you. You all have shown me true loyalty by continuing to read my series no matter what. So thank you, once again.
Lastly, I promise to be on more. I promise to revamp these series and make them better, and at least try to throw out another book if anyone wants to chat, just know I'm always here! let's be friends or something, haha
I look forward to interacting with you more. Once again I'm so sorry for leaving you all hanging. But, thank you. For sticking by me no matter what.
k xx