
safe space for everyone !!


Hey,How Are you?I know This is Random,But I really Need Someone To Talk to,I'm thinking about committing Suicide,And 7 Years went down the drain with my best friend,And I have parents That expect the best from me,Excepting me to be perfect,And I honestly Feel like A Whore,I keep getting hit almost every single day,And I technically Live in the bathroom,And I keep getting bullied In school,Please text Back soon,So yeah  


@YourEminemFan4Ever Yeah,Of course,I'm Going to Follow you in 2 min


@YourEminemFan4Ever hello again !! its good to hear that things are improving between you, your siblings and your father, and with you mental health. im on summer break too, so i wont be online that much either. and perhaps taking a break from being online or deleting anything they could reach you on would help? and yeah, changing 8 billion people is impossible, but we can at least try to improve ourselves. if you have pinterest could you follow me on there and we could talk privately? my user is @bookxxnerd


@YourEminemFan4Ever Hey,Thank You So Much For The Support,I'm really On Winter Break Rn,But They would still find A Way To Reach Me and Annoy Me,And I'm so sorry To hear That You've lost A Best Friend,Yeah,I Agree,The World Is A Cruel Place,But It's Not Like We Can Change 8 Billion People,I'll Try to Stand Up For Myself,Again,Thank You So Much For Replying So soon,Sorry I didn't Reply Instantly,I'm Having too Much Family Problems And Trouble,But The Relationship With My siblings And My Dad Is getting better,It's Only My Mum,Who Has Anger issues,And Yeah,Again,Thank You SO much For the support,And I'm so sorry You lost Your Best Friend That Way,I'm not Going To Talk About it,Because I know how much It hurts,Things Are Slowly Getting better,Please Message Me If Anything Happens ♥ 