Spiderson headcannon.
Steve gets mad at Peter for skipping training so he invents an exercise that only Peter can do. They're called spider burpees.
It starts off kinda like a normal burpee, he gets on the ground and does 2 pushups then jumps back to a standing position. Then he has to jump up and grab onto the ceiling (which is pretty high I might add) where he does two pull ups using only his powers to hold him up. Then he das to jump back down and repeat.
As a punishment Steve locks Peter in the training room and tells Friday not to let him out until he's done 100 spider burpees.
Peter returns to the living room after an hour, sweating and panting profusely.
"have you learnt your lesson Peter?" Steve asks while peering over his reading glasses.
Peter hives a weak thunbs up and collapses on the sofa.