
Hey guys! While it was fun while it lasted, I will be deactivating my account. I don’t feel comfortable sharing the reasons why but I wish you all the best 


I HATE THE STATE OF THE WORLD FFS  this generation is going to hell Istg. Anyways, shall I tell you what that was abt? I. Have. Found. Fanfics. Abt. OCEANGATE. BLOODY OCEANGATE. Also I found Prato fanfics which is worse sooooo


Hi, so, I’ve not been rlly active recently and I’m really sorry about that but I’m going to try to explain. I have just moved to a new school and it’s HUGE compared to my old school. I’m basically constantly having panic attacks. I’m losing things and forgetting things and I can’t rlly put my mind to anything anymore. But, on a happier note, it’s my birthday today! Anyways just felt the need to explain and apologise to any people that I have ghosted ❤️


Ayyy, thanks! I’m feeling a lot better in the last couple of days and I’m starting to feel more motivated so I might start trying to post again


Spoilers for s1 e10 of Haileys on it: Nooooo, I'm so happy rn tho!!! I may have just watched 10 episodes of Haileys on it straight, and I thought it would be this average Disney cishet show! But no! Becker has a crush on Hailey like! That writing is just chefs kiss!!!! Also, hope your all having a good day! Much, byeeeeee