babe honestly, I've been in ur exact position. maybe I can't relate to you on what your life has been like, but let me just tell you, in middle school life was full crap and I almost hurt myself. But you have no idea what life can throw at you. I'm glad I'm still here. My family cares about me and I finally have friends who love me. You may not believe that you have all those things. Life is about taking risks, there are actually people out there who care. But kind and smart people like you just need to search the world a little more carefully for those caring people. God put you on this world for a reason, and he wouldn't be too happy if you wasted one of his precious lives. Suicide thoughts are natural to some people, and I really hope you get through whatever it is you're going through ❤️

@imweirdlyinsane thank you so much for taking your time to write that to me I will follow your advise and you just made me smile reading that