
We're finally settled. Writing has begun again!


@xylinara  YAYYYYYY I wish I could put the tears emoji because I MISSED the bound stories so much!!!! ='(


@xylinara So that means Bound will continue!!!!!!!


OK so I can't figure out how to message you privately lol so I'm invading your page instead. I missed you, I hope you're doing well, I can't believe it's been this many bloody years...and thank you for still being here! If you can figure out this private message thing then hit me up!


We're finally settled. Writing has begun again!


@xylinara  YAYYYYYY I wish I could put the tears emoji because I MISSED the bound stories so much!!!! ='(


@xylinara So that means Bound will continue!!!!!!!


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Given that the US is on its bullshit, Bound will be more delayed than expected. Moving about 2000 miles in a pinch, but will work on the story when I can. Stay safe out there, you guys


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Just to let you know, I recently found your stories here. Oh! I read Dude in a Dress first I think, then some of the other Sluff stories, then started on The Fuck Journal. I thought it was going to be all smut but the emotions in this just carried me away, I can't stop thinking about it! OMG I really cannot put it into words how much this book got to me. I speed read it in about two days earlier this week, then went back and read it again, much more slowly. Its one of the best things I've ever read on here! The early chapters were wonderful, as they get to know each other and realise that its love (not just friends with benefits) and how they deal with that, absolutely fantastic!  The chapter after the tour when Slash goes to Duff's house, (their conversation in the shower, ooh!) then Slash leaves quickly the next morning, was incredible. I also really loved the chapter where they meet at the bar with Axl then Slash feels sick so Duff drives him home and they have the emotional episode in the bathroom. And the tour chapters, when Slash realises everyone knows. The angst! And later, the New Orleans chapters (Miriam's foreshadowing bit was daunting) and the stress that Duff goes through to make everything perfect for Slash...your descriptions of everything, the clothes, jewellery, hotel etc...perfect! I do the descriptive stuff of all the things in their lives, whether its clothes, pets, jewellery, or interesting things in Duff's cupboards! But what struck me most of all was the happiness and sheer joy that the two of them had just by being together, in each other's company etc, the wonderfulness of the early stages of a relationship like this (well, they are soulmates) if only we could bottle this thing (you do such a good job in evoking that feeling in your writing)! And they were so young! The whole story was such a delight.


@LadySnowdon1 It's been ten days, but I promise, promise I'll give you a proper reply! We're about to pull a 2,000+ mile move (a choice that happened very, very suddenly) so I haven't had a calm, collected brain to absorb and respond to these awesome comments!


And the scene in the bath in the hotel in New Orleans (yes I actually googled the hotel to see what it was like!) with the rings...oh, that was like time stopped right there! Absolutely wonderful. Thats where I want them to be in my mind (forever), not all the bad stuff that happened to them years later! I think I am a bit sappy but the whole thing was such a delight. Thank you.


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Cont..Then I read Part 2 - oh no - then looked at Part 3 - aargh - I haven't finished that yet but please, please, let Bound have a happy ending. No more wasted years, my heart is aching for them! I skipped ahead a bit (Duff sold the house! He got married!) well my heart is aching. So at that point I went back to the Fuck Journal and started reading it again from the beginning and giving it the attention it deserves, I have probably read the first four or five chapters multiple times! Please give them the happy ending they deserve. Thank you for your writing - you are such a good writer - I love it, it is so very much appreciated. And I don't think I've ever read such good smut either (the love between them comes through constantly so that makes it even better) - sorry I'm probably not putting this very well but I hope you know what I'm trying to say. So thank you again - your writing warms my heart and I appreciate it so much.
            PS if you ever want to do a Fuck Journal part 2 alternate version, where they live happily ever after, I would love that!! They did not deserve those years apart so perhaps in an alternate universe, the bad stuff didn't happen and they stayed together FOREVER (thats whats in my mind, anyway lol!).
            PPS That Axl and Izzy foursome chapter was so out there...until it was just a dream! You had me going there, totally!


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Holy fucking shit, you guys, I posted before the set deadline. Last chapter of Dude in a Dress is up! Hope y'all have loved the ride as much as I have! Soon, back to Bound!


@xylinara No I think I even messaged a while back asking if you would update Bound and Dude in a dress. I love your writing and stories. So I'm really happy!!!


@Madamesixx Thank you, I'm so happy to hear that! I was actually worrying, since it's been so long :x


@xylinara  Eeeeeee I'm so excited that you're going to be updating bound. I love those stories. 


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Hey, y'all! Hope everyone's still hanging in there. How've y'all been? It's almost time for the final chapter of Dude in a Dress! Sorry I haven't been active. Life's changed so much in the past year-ish; it's been one big ass adjustment after the next, and I don't do well with change, lol. Been making it a point to push through writer's block and get back into it, and I aim to have the book complete by the end of the month!
          Also, a reader left an absolutely AMAZING comment a few weeks ago, and I think it disappeared from my feed. If you see this, I really, really hope my failure to reply in a timely manner didn't offend you! I was so blown away that I had no fucking idea how to answer, and when I finally thought of a way, the comment was gone. I'm sorry! If you see this, please know I was extremely honored, and that your words were a boon to me in a time I was struggling to create. Thank you!


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@xylinara, you truly are one of the best writers I've ever read. When I left that comment, I thought it was a little too much, maybe a bit overwhelming, so I removed it, but I really meant every word. I'm halfway back through The Fuck Journal again after reading the whole series AND every other story you've written. Please, please, PLEASE write more. Write more of anything. You are brilliant. These characters bring me so my happiness. Their love is perfectly created by you. I have never read tension in a story that actually made me gasp like this, moments of realization like when Slash is on the phone with his Duff and Ola is in the room. That was soooo good. You just create so beautifully and I can't wait to see what you do next. I envy your writing style, your ability to breathe life into your own creation so smoothly. Please, keep giving your gift to us. I will seriously buy anything you put out, I am a lifer. I can't say enough good things. Keep us all updated on how things are going. I would totally donate to something just to keep you churning out chapters. I've always admired my favorite authors for creating intricate, living, breathing worlds and keeping it all straight while planning it all out! I mean, it's hard work, but you do it so well. 


Hey hun hope you’re doing welljust had the sudden urge to check up on u


Well that’s all anyone can ask for really, and I wish u the best w that. And I’m doing well ty( ◠‿◠ )


@StarfishAndCoffee- I'm working my way through the rough days and trying to be more forgiving towards myself. What a change that is, of itself, LOL. I hope you're doing alright, too! <3


Oh yea I most def understand that thing about change, and I’m glad ur doing well❤️Hope and pray those bad mental health days are less and less and that you can get comfortably settled into ur new home. And trust it wasn’t ominous it’s just like that’s sometimes lol


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Hey, y'all! My computer shit out shortly after the last update, and I was finally able to replace it! We're in the middle of a move, so I'll try to rewrite/continue when I can. Hope everyone's well out there!


@ xylinara  So good to hear from you babe! Take care of yourself, we'll be here when you come back! (I'm in the same boat btw, no computer and no money to replace it atm)


@xylinara good to hear from you :-) ... take care and stay safe <3


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Hey, y'all!  Second-to-last chapter of Dude in a Dress is up! Damn, I missed writing. I'm sorry I never got back to those who left me such kind sentiments on my last announcement. I'm absolute shit at replying, but I very, very much appreciate y'all's patience and support. Thank you! <3 Hope everyone's alright out there--take care!


Oh I’m so excited to read!