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Just to let you know, I recently found your stories here. Oh! I read Dude in a Dress first I think, then some of the other Sluff stories, then started on The Fuck Journal. I thought it was going to be all smut but the emotions in this just carried me away, I can't stop thinking about it! OMG I really cannot put it into words how much this book got to me. I speed read it in about two days earlier this week, then went back and read it again, much more slowly. Its one of the best things I've ever read on here! The early chapters were wonderful, as they get to know each other and realise that its love (not just friends with benefits) and how they deal with that, absolutely fantastic! The chapter after the tour when Slash goes to Duff's house, (their conversation in the shower, ooh!) then Slash leaves quickly the next morning, was incredible. I also really loved the chapter where they meet at the bar with Axl then Slash feels sick so Duff drives him home and they have the emotional episode in the bathroom. And the tour chapters, when Slash realises everyone knows. The angst! And later, the New Orleans chapters (Miriam's foreshadowing bit was daunting) and the stress that Duff goes through to make everything perfect for Slash...your descriptions of everything, the clothes, jewellery, hotel etc...perfect! I do the descriptive stuff of all the things in their lives, whether its clothes, pets, jewellery, or interesting things in Duff's cupboards! But what struck me most of all was the happiness and sheer joy that the two of them had just by being together, in each other's company etc, the wonderfulness of the early stages of a relationship like this (well, they are soulmates) if only we could bottle this thing (you do such a good job in evoking that feeling in your writing)! And they were so young! The whole story was such a delight.