Woah! Hi! I completely forgot about this website! To be honest, I've done a little writing here and there, but I my writing skills have diminished greatly. Also, I will say that I think that I have grown out of my writing fanfiction phase, but I'm not sure. It might come back to me, who knows? But the things I have been writing are stories that I've thought about and are not fanfiction. Because a lot of the readers that read my works are looking for fanfiction, I don't know if they would read my works. So, I don't know if and when I'll be back on here. But let me know if you'd read other works from me that aren't fanfiction! Oh, as for the works I have already, I don't know if I'll be updating them anytime soon, or which ones I plan on updating. But we'll see. Thank you!
@Ravenhayes37 well I just want to update you. So I just created a new story called "Book of Stories" and I just published my first "mini story".