I had an interesting experience today. I got a review from a reader that stated that it's stupid that my Izuku can't turn back and I should give him a human body so he can just go whoop and transform into whatever he wants.
I declined, because that's not what this story is about, and asked him if he had a good argument for me to just toss away my work and practically start from beginning. But he didn't see an issue with that, saying that it's unrealistic for a girl to love a robot, that it would be better if he had a body like in the beginning, and that Izuku can just transform into a robot when he needs because - get this- FANFICTION DOESN'T NEED TO BE REALISTIC... When I replayed that i won't change anything he said that if I don't want feedback then I should block comments all together
I'm a bit miffed now, I wrote a whole response what I think about it and that he don't need to read it if it isn't for him so he acted like a grown up person and blocked me. Good riddance and all that. Why can't people just get along without trying to force others to do something?
I don't know when the next update will be posted because of that clown just doing what he did. If you don't like what I write, you don't need to read it. I certainly do not appreciate someone trying to change my story by force and without any reason.
Good day to you all, I certainly won't have one now.