
3.08K on It Was A Vampire Bite!! Thank you all so much!! ❤️❤️❤️


          Hello everyone!
          It's been a while since I did a status update! Anyway, I've got some good news - I'm making a new book!
          This book is going to be a horror/thriller/mystery of some sort, which I've never written before. So I'm really excited to see what you guys think!
           It's called 'My Pretty Little Dolls'. It's about a women who kidnaps 5 people and tries to turn them into dolls.Her Intentions and reasons will be told in the story!
          I'd give the rating around 13+, as there is a bit of gore, blood, etc and it's quite physiologically scary. 
          Anyway, I need a new cover for it - and what a better way to get one than to ask you guys! Please include a title and the author, me (xzarawritesx) somewhere on the cover, and then you can get creative! 
          When you're done, email them to me at zazarules8@gmail.com
          May the best cover win! Good luck!!
          • REMEMBER!!!! •
          Just because I write about horror and physiologically scary books, it DOES NOT mean I agree with it or think it's right! 
          I have seen plenty horror writers get comments along the lines of "what the hell you actually thought of that?! You sick, twisted freak!"
          Please, none of that. It's quite obvious that I don't think making dolls out of people is right. 
          Thank you! 
          AKA, Zara <3


 As soon as u said my Pretty dolls I thought of Pretty Little Liars


So I'm reading it was a vampire bite like ugh another cliché vampire book where everything is predictable. Then I start reading and I'm like WOW HOLY SH!T THIS IS AMAZING!!! And I'm at like chapter 6 and I'm like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THIS IS SO FREAKING GOOD OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!! And then I'm like wow this person is amazing she must be 15, 16 to think up a book like this. So I look on your profile, blah, blah, '13 year old girl' and I'm like
          Omg you have SUCH a good future!! Like I can't even...... AHHHHHH!! I'm so happy for you, you deserve way more than you get!! But keep it up and you'll get noticed for sure!! Xoxoxoxoxox


Oh my gosh... That bought tears to my eyes.... Thank you so so much!! I wouldn't be here without readers like yourself! Thanks so much! Love ya! <3


'It Was A Vampire Bite' on 2.84K is a number I could've only DREAMED of... 2,840 people reading MY book?! It's enough to make my head spin! Thank you so much for reading my books, following me, voting, commenting, giving feedback and generally just really helping me out. Thanks to my family for supporting me when I need it the most. And thank you Wattpad! I wasn't sure if I would be a writer before. I liked writing - I wrote drafts of short stories on my Dad's laptop and it was exciting. It's like dreaming up a whole new world where anything can happen - but when making it a book it's like you're making it a reality. One day I saw a post on Instagram; 'Read my fanfic on Wattpad guys!!!'. I clicked the link and was suddenly transported to a world where even a small, budding writer with just an IPhone and an app could feel like a proper professional. I think that's what really got me into writing. That's how I also found some of my friends in real life who love to write and read like me! So I owe Wattpad a lot. Fingers crossed, I'll be in University with a Major in English.
          Anyway, I think I've rambled on enough. This is only the beginning of an epic journey! Thank you so much! I love you all!!!


Well done!! You deserve it!!