
Hey girlie! Holly crap we haven't talked in forever! How ya been short stack? You're probably taller than me now though lol 


@Aiko_Redfox  That's so cool! I wanted to go camping, But we had so much family up from everywhere there just wasn't enough time! But this Thursday were driving to Hasting to go Splash Planet.... Im just praying I don't get my period lol.


Hahaha ya I bet your hands would be pretty f-d after that lol I haven't been up to much just spending time with the fam and traveling we did a lot of camping and that kinda stuff


@Aiko_Redfox  Hah ...... One word for rock climbing...Sore. My hands are so blistered and most of the time I was stuck on the ground helping my sisters, But Its was fun. What about you what else have ya been doing?