
Alright. I have everything transferred over to my new account. So, I will be logging out of this one tonight. If you want, respond to this and I'll dm you from my new account!


Alright. I have everything transferred over to my new account. So, I will be logging out of this one tonight. If you want, respond to this and I'll dm you from my new account!


I'm sending my biggest condolences to the families of the 149+ people that passed in the stampede in Seoul, South Korea today. I also wish a steady and quick recovery to all that were injured.


@Rejjylovesreading It was a Halloween party, I think. You can look up "Itaewon Stampede" for information on it


@y0umak3straykidsstay what?! What happened? Why was there a stampede?


Y'know, it's kinda sad to me that if I log out of this account, that's it. I've had this account since I started my wattpad journey, and now that I have no clue what the password is and don't have access to the email connected anymore, I won't be able to access it after I log out :(


@y0umak3straykidsstay it sucks :( I wish there was a better way to recover stuff :/


@ZeddiTheSecond Yeah :( that's just what happens sometimes unfortunately


@y0umak3straykidsstay I feel ya. I lost my cowgirlzeddison account and it's just not the same anymore :(


It's 12:50 am and I have to get up at 6 for school tomorrow, but I can't sleep :D TT


@thenoctem Ohhhhh, I haven't thought about that. I've just had Hero's Soup by skz playing lmao. I don't have headphones sadly, but I'll have to try that sometime


@y0umak3straykidsstay happens, happens. Have you tried white noise? Earphones on, white nose on. Maybe it can help 


Not me forgetting to get on wattpad for over a month :P
          Updates, I got a job lmao. First day is on Tuesday and I'm excited. Though in my last post (on Sept 1st skfkdjf) I was complaining about there not being enough time in the day and now with this job it's gonna feel like even less... Funnnnnnnn- 
          I've seriously been considering going back to online school, but my parents will be bad at me if I even suggest that :/ The person over all the online stuff said they'll gladly take me back if I feel like I need to, and I feel like I might need to, but I don't know if I should bring it up with my parents djgjjdjgjd I'll probably be fine. Anxiety is just terrible lol


@LeeQuokka Thanks!! Today was my first day and it was just training, but it was so fun!!


@ y0umak3straykidsstay  Congrats on your job tho!!<3


I swear, there is not enough time in the day. I get home from school around 3:30 and then I go to bed around 8... Definitely not enough time to do everything I need/want. I kinda wish I could go back to online school sometimes, but in person, at least this year, is more fun, so idk. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Today was my very last first day of school (unless college, but that don't count lol) and I'd say I had a lot of fun! After being online for a year, I thought my anxiety levels would be higher, but it actually wasn't that bad. I'm excited for tomorrow!


@y0umak3straykidsstay I completely missed the "first"and was so confused bc you just said it was your first day XD but I'm glad it went well!! Hope you have a great last year!! 