
“Forever we drown in blood, stepped in so deep that returning to witness the purity of the calming oceans shall long be tedious. And all we can do…Is allow ourselves to be consumed by the blood owned by our fellow companions we shed from.” you laugh, “Ah, but look at you…Even blood would stigmatise you without needing a proper observation of you…So…” you burst out in laughter, “You must rot with the feces that long desire your presence you group of half faced, idle witted maggot pies! Off with thee! You must be removed, for you are a damned spot in mine eyes! Ahaha…What is coming of my language!? I must refrain from causing conflicts with my peers!” you mutter nervously. “Perhaps it was the excitement of my tremendous desserts. Still, I desire to isolate myself from these scoundrels. Never appear before me again!” 


Bros writing Shakespearean instead of revising for Shakespeare wallahi I'm finished...


“Forever we drown in blood, stepped in so deep that returning to witness the purity of the calming oceans shall long be tedious. And all we can do…Is allow ourselves to be consumed by the blood owned by our fellow companions we shed from.” you laugh, “Ah, but look at you…Even blood would stigmatise you without needing a proper observation of you…So…” you burst out in laughter, “You must rot with the feces that long desire your presence you group of half faced, idle witted maggot pies! Off with thee! You must be removed, for you are a damned spot in mine eyes! Ahaha…What is coming of my language!? I must refrain from causing conflicts with my peers!” you mutter nervously. “Perhaps it was the excitement of my tremendous desserts. Still, I desire to isolate myself from these scoundrels. Never appear before me again!” 


Bros writing Shakespearean instead of revising for Shakespeare wallahi I'm finished...


Hey, my homie if your gonna have my story on your read list at least put up the correct one.... Your homie


I love poetry..


@yUm1kooo why start with poetry