I've had a little bit of time today so I made some dedications. I'm not sure if it's appearing on mobile since it doesn't on mine. However, the dedications appear on my browser.
To those that I've made dedications to, please don't be pressured to comment, vote, or read my works. I didn't dedicate that to pressure you but rather as a thank you. Also, there are some that I've put dedications on a book they haven't read. Likewise, don't be pressured to read that book. It's just that I don't have enough chapters on the book that you're reading so I made use of my other works.
To those who didn't receive dedications, I hope you don't get upset. I value you just as much and I'm happy that my story became a way that we became a part of each others' lives.
P.S. I'm still very busy but I will try to make time to respond to comments and messages. Thank you snowflakes