
While Dead Days might be over, Mac's story isn't. 
          	Stay tuned for the next installment of Dead Days: Dead Girl Walking! 
          	It'll be a little while before I start publishing it due to it not having much written yet and being busy, but as soon as I feel like I have enough to survive, I'll start uploading. 
          	I hope you enjoyed my story and will be excited for what comes next! 


While Dead Days might be over, Mac's story isn't. 
          Stay tuned for the next installment of Dead Days: Dead Girl Walking! 
          It'll be a little while before I start publishing it due to it not having much written yet and being busy, but as soon as I feel like I have enough to survive, I'll start uploading. 
          I hope you enjoyed my story and will be excited for what comes next! 


So good news (not really, well kinda)
          Dead Days is officially over. 
          I will post the remaining chapters over a quicker time period as they are all finished. 
          But just remember, just because one story is ending doesn't mean another cannot begin. 
          Hopefully, the next book in my Dead Days series will be coming out soon after the first one is finished, and I hope you enjoyed the first one (so far) and will enjoy the second part of Mac's journey!