
@AlexThomas Hi :D I know i hardly respond to your messages bc I can never find the right words but I just really wanna thank you for creating such relatable aspects in your stories; I strive to be like that in my own works and you're such an inspiration :3 Plus your storylines are to die for- they're so interesting and they really suck me in


@AlexThomas Hi :D I know i hardly respond to your messages bc I can never find the right words but I just really wanna thank you for creating such relatable aspects in your stories; I strive to be like that in my own works and you're such an inspiration :3 Plus your storylines are to die for- they're so interesting and they really suck me in


Hi, there! Thank you so very much for all of your support on Earthrumbler throughout the book. It means the world to me. In addition to that, thank you for all of your support on my short stories and nonsense. It really does mean a lot. I'm really glad that you were able to connect with Coming Out, and it's so great that you came out to your own mom. Thank you again!