Hey so I really hate to say this but it has to be said. I'm discontinuing Ski Trip, or at least just taking a break from it until I somehow get my inspiration back. I didn't completely delete it, I just unpublished it for now in case I choose to continue some day. I'm unfortunately just not really in the It fandom anymore and lost interest and inspiration to continue writing. I'm so sorry to those of you who were looking forward to Ski Trip, I shouldn't have forced myself into a whole new project after I finished Road Trip. I'll still leave Road Trip up obviously, but yeah I'm gonna have to just throw in the towel for Ski Trip for now. I'm kinda rambling at this point but yeah thank you guys for everything over the years and I'll still be active on Wattpad reading and on my message board so I'll still be here! Again I'm really sorry and thank you guys for understanding (hopefully) <3