
Just had a Minni anxiety attack ✌️


OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! Ok you guys will never believe this so my band friend invited me to his BD party there was 5 guys and 2 girls(including me) so after a while of playing outside in the cold and playing inside hide and seek my friend who invited me was saying this the whole time: I'm going to try to put (me ) and (another band kid) in a room together?!!!: I told him no and continued. 
          After an hour we went to the hot tub and played truth or dare. My friend dared the guy who was in band to go ask me out to the dance (which is two weeks away) and he said 
          "Ok I dare you to ask D to go to the dance with you, and if she says yes I'll give you $5 " I said yes and than the next round I said dare cause nobody was saying dare 
          Than they dared me to kiss the guy on the lips or on the cheek I went for the cheek.
          And AHHHHHHH I am just so excited cause no one ever asked me to go to the dance ever!!!!




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Part 2
          and my dad never gave back my phone. And I thought about running out of the house and heading to a friend's house (I even packed clothes for one fucking day and even wrote down on a note saying "need time alone
          Be back in a week" (never ran away) and during a period of this my parents kept walking in saying how I am feeling and all the only I ever communicate through stuff like this is through head nodes and all never by voice so whenever they were explaining how did I feel and listed emotions I nodded to sad and angry. I told them through nodes (don't as how) I has mad at dad and for what happened today let me say this dad and sister never got along for some reason. I asked my dad if I can have my phone back and before he left he told me to say I love you to my sister and because he deleted her contact it was hard getting it back and later in the day one of my other sisters texted me saying I love you, this was during my time if not talking to anyone. But yeah this was my day. It went to 0-1000 fast in 1-5 minutes