
Megans chapter written by here will be posted tonight. Unless we get tired xD It is Three mamas vs five kids!!


@yana_perez I admire you three so much it must have been so hard for you all! I am disappointed that society encourages teen pregnancies yet people who aren't on TV get bullied. I'm not a teen mom but I know how you feel. I wish all of you the best of luck


This post has been in the making for a few days. Hello to you 4. I stumbled upon your stories. Read all of them. You 4 have been through so much. As for the glorifying of teen pregnancy. You 4 are right about that. Though a lot of mud gets slung at the girls on those pregnancy shows on MTV. Check out Television Without Pity if you want to see. I was one of the few that basically was against you 4. What changed me was you 4 had suffered enough. Through pregnancy, heartbreak, and many other trials and tribulations you 4 have had to suffer through. And in a few ways , you 4 and I are somewhat of the same. The thing we have in common was that our teen years were hellish. It's been close to 2 decades since I left Jr. High. And I can tell you 4 I don't miss it at all. It's too bad I wasn't into bands like the Clash or the Smiths back then. Then again, Morrissey is somewhat of a hero of mine. As for the American Teenager series on the Family Channel. I used to watch that show. A long time ago. But it just didn't keep my interest after a season. After Amy had her baby, I kind of lost interest in it. Though I'll say for the record that Shailene Woodley and India Eisley are very beautiful girls. Don't take it the wrong way if I sound pedophile-like in that I complimented them. They are very beautiful girls. Now the girls on 16 and pregnant. Well, I wouldn't bet my money on the looks of those girls. Shailene and India have them all beat by miles in the looks dep't. Anyway, moving on here. I could've sent hate mail or whatever to you 4. But I chose not to. And you 4 have been beaten to death long enough. I'm still hunting for Miss Right after all these years. Who knows if I'll ever find her. Anyway, I'll let the 4 of you go. Hope to hear from you 4 if you ever want to reply back. Goodnight. Justin


Megans chapter written by here will be posted tonight. Unless we get tired xD It is Three mamas vs five kids!!


@yana_perez I admire you three so much it must have been so hard for you all! I am disappointed that society encourages teen pregnancies yet people who aren't on TV get bullied. I'm not a teen mom but I know how you feel. I wish all of you the best of luck