—idk why but i'm not a driven writer, i already know my plot (i even wrote it), i already formed the climax and ending—but when it comes to in betweens and dialogues, i feel so empty-handed. the amount of writer's block and the laziness i feel isn't due to what i fear to write–it's because i'm scared of finishing a novel. i'm still scared of publishing my first story, although edited, still unfiltered, shallow and flawed. i'm afraid to let go of these characters i have written, loved and knew by years. they were beside me throughout high school. they inspired me to write the events and experiences i encounter. they knew me so much. and i'm indeed terrified to continue. —but i have to. i need to. i have to move on and create a new and better version of what i can do. still, if this is the only way i can finally write the memory alive. i will. though afraid, i have to finish this story. so help me please.