
Actually, I’m going to save a few which have a lot of views, or if it has a good story board. Sorry to bother, once again. 


hey, idrk how to explain this coherently, but maybe *don't* fetishize mlm stuff. guys who love guys aren't your sexual fantasies or yaoi. that's really gross. I could explain more, but I doubt you'd read a wall of text. Have a good day, please feel free to argue with me, and sorry for my horrible typing/grammar.


this message may be offensive
@lemonbiscuitx  dude fuck off leave yaoiqueen518 alone if u got problems go away no reason to try an piss people off. If all your here for is a fight that's pretty petty you literally sound like a baby, dont accuse without proof you'll never win


yaoi is literally fetishization though lmfao.  you literally are fetishizing it idk what to tell you.


I know, I’m not fetishizing it, I’m in the LGBTQ+ community, I would never fetishize someone’s love interest. I don’t know how to feel about you saying I am, it’s hurtful but I understand if you think I’m fetishizing stuff even though I am not. Guys who love guys are not sexual fantasies. They’re not yaoi, they’re gay, homosexual and that’s alright. Yaoi is a genre of boys love, BL. I am writing yaoi, not fetishizing it. But ok.. To be honest I’m deleting a lot of these books because they’re just bad and from 6th grade basically. Which is full of cringe, anyways feel free to contact me about this if it makes you uncomfortable for me responding. I don’t want to make anyone upset with my writing, that’s why I’m deleting a lot of the old stuff because of how bad it is and I’m writing new books that will be more organized and actually, hopefully, we’ll developed. Anyways, sorry for the ramble I don’t really know how to respond to this either so just talk to me on Instagram I guess. @cuddlekitten518


Hey guys. So I decided to make an Instagram for this. Cause why not lol. I'll be deleting most of my books besides the Gumlee one. I love that. I'm also going to be making a second book to that one. Which will have more romantic scenes and not just smut. I'm older and more creative(?) I guess so I can write in a better way. Anywho, I hope you guys still love me. Go follow my Instagram @yaoiqueen518


Hello! I am so sorry I haven't been on recently, no worries I'm going to be okay. But, I do have an amazing idea for a new story, but I also might make it into a comic. I'm not sure but if I do, I'll let you guys know. I know most of my books are bad but I'm starting this one. Also, I'm sorry I have so many, most of them are just random, I really do apologize... I hope you all have a beautiful day and let me know if you're struggling, I'm happy to help.


So, recently I have deleted one of my stories due to certain people talking about it at school. So, I would like to politely ask for no one to share what I write. At all. No exceptions. If your one of my friends, you just make me feel bad and horrible about what I wrote and I would like it if you just left my account alone if you know me personally. If you don't, then go ahead and keep reading but don't share my work unless it's on wattpad and you notify me. If you are a friend. Do not share my work. I don't care, it's hurtful and it makes me feel worst about writing it. I'm not going to tell you personally if you are one of those people, for you should know, and I'm really sensitive so I wouldn't even bring it up. 
          I hope you understand and if you have ever shared anything about my work. I will expect an apology. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your day. 


Oh yeah, and if you have any questions about that, please ask me privately or comment.