
مساءك ياسمين وسعادة كل عام وأنتِ 
          بخير وسعادة رمضان مبارك. عليكِ 
          وادعوك لقراءة اعمالي الروائية المتواضعة 
          تحياتي لك كاتب إسلام التركي


Hey! If you're ever looking for something new and exciting to read, you could always take a tour of my profile and check out my story "Silently Falling."
          It's a thrilling romance that tells the tale of a misjudged delinquent and a girl with a troubling past and how their paths cross. 
          If you do decide to give my story a read, I truly hope you enjoy it and stick with it until the end :) ❤️
          Comments, votes, and helpful advice are always welcomed and encouraged :) 


Thank you for the follow and the votes! I hope you enjoy the stories!


As a thank you for your kind comment and votes, I dedicated Six Words #162 and Flash Fiction #172 to you. I hope you enjoy them!


@mulrune i didn't know that just little words can make you feel so much , so i'm the one who should thank you .