
Chapter 6 has been released! Uhhh.. Quick warning: Not what you're expecting. Here: http://www.wattpad.com/33438918-bitch-i%27m-asian-chapter-6-the-biological-parents?d=ud


          This is probably going to come off as completely lame, but thank you. When I read your message, I was like 'Woah! This is probably the coolest author ever.' I was enthusiastic when I saw you replied to my follow. {Great, now I sound like a spaz.} Btw: I love your background.
          Happy Holiday :]]
          {this message was way longer than expected}
          ~your friendly dweeb


AWWWWWWW. You're welcome!!
            Don't worry, I've felt that a couple of times myself. [says the fangirl to the extreme] 
            You my friend, have made my day. :D I officially pronounce you epic, my dear alien. 
            Wait. If I'm cooler than all the authors, does that make them hotter than me? Whaaa.
            Happy Holidays sweetheart.