
Hi! i wanted to say that i'm so happy that the stories that been treated in my head finely could come out, and I never thought that so many people wanted to read them, and so many of you have helped me, even tho you don't know it, I just want to say thanks


Hi! i wanted to say that i'm so happy that the stories that been treated in my head finely could come out, and I never thought that so many people wanted to read them, and so many of you have helped me, even tho you don't know it, I just want to say thanks


hello i just want to say that i am so happy that you have wanted to read My saki x sato, and i did not expect that so many would like my small stories. And i am sorry that i don't write so much but i have school, and i have started to have lass ideas. im sorry about the bad Grammer i am dyslexic and i am form danmak so English was not my first language