


Hey.. umm just wanted to say that thank you for always standing beside me even though you had to go through hard times with me....
          I feel better now 
          Thank you for always be there for me whenever its hard.
          Fuh.. ckp melayu pulak lah. Penat itew speaking nih..
          Just nak cakap terima kasih sgt² dkt awk and princess sbb x tinggal sy mcm org lain. 
          Kalau awk rasa ada masalah, feel free to talk to  me and princess.
          We'll always be there for you too
          Kdg² sy takut nak rapat dgn org lain sbb sy takut org tu tinggal kan sy mcm org lain buat.
          Tp awk dua org lain. You're both are super duper special  RARE AND PRECIOUS.
          Minta maaf sgt² kalau ada terkasar bahasa and buat awk dua org tersinggung ke eh..??
          -love from the deepest part of my hearteu-
              (Sekadar emoji mmg x cukup nak express)
          (Ps: I already know you for real ;))


@nhxnxsxh ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@nhyn_nurin @nhxnxsxh  ️️ you pun my bfffffff paling saya sayang dlm dunia niprincess pun bffffff yg paling sy sayang dlm dunia ni


wkwkwk awk xde prnh buat terasa hati pon okay ? just know you're unique in your own way 