I love how just a few days ago ,everybody was all about putting clips and just making ,in overall tweet about a6d ,and now everybody is just like "awwww how cute is ian" or "why is this in my timeline?",I just love the level of the people on Twitter.
Either they classify him as a monster or a bad a*s person or they are just stans,there is no in-between for the internet.
I personally don't care about any of the past drama ,and also(personally) I think it was pretty dumb ,I believe that people commit error and they are fully capable of changing(and also people not wanting to draw a6d anymore or write about him ,,,,,yeah it's pretty dramatic)
Anyways ,I wrote this at 4:03 am ,and I'm really tired ,so I might regret this tomorrow or maybe not ,considering no one reads this,gn.