
Hello! You're such a talented writer/author! I really liked your book and is wondering if you're still interested in writing the sequel for it, I know this comment is late but I hope you don't feel forced, I'll send you my best regards!


I have a question, are we gonna have a sequel of two sides of a coin? I'm really interested in the story :)


to be completely honest, im not really sure,, im not in the fandom any more, and ive been writing pieces for other fandoms, but a lot of people seemed to dig this story quite a lot,, so eventually ill do my best to hammer it out,, the plot is mostly already concocted in this chaotic mind of mine, ive just got to write it


          Dear person, 
          I hope this finds you in good health. Recently, with all the time on my hands, I have started up a club of sorts. It would be my greatest pleasure to have you join; that is only if you want to. I anxiously await your response.
          Yours truly,


UMMMMM lemme think oh yes ofc