
Hey flo hab grad mal in deine Bücher reingelesen und ich liebe deine art zu schreiben in beiden sprachen einfach unglaublich berührend. Find auch deinen user wunderschön. Noch eine gute Nacht dir <33


@ regenmelancholie  woow danke dir, liebe diese interpretation. danke übrigens fürs folgen und dir auch ein frohes neues<33


@regenmelancholie hey, ich danke dir sehr für deine worte. vielen dank, gebe ich gern zurück. "regenmelancholie" erklingt wie eine in der stille langsam verblassende melodie, mit einem schimmer glauben. frohes neues.


hey hun i'd just assume those secret messages were yours because they're matching your style to write and the kind of poetic flair you have. 
          thank you very much for your messages, i literally sat there smiling while i read them and i thought to myself how grateful i am for your wisdom and kindness.
          if those messages weren't from you then i'm deeply sorry for the mistake but my gratitude for your wisdom and kindness remains. 
          xx heather


@yejuns_flower can't add anything but i hope you have a lovely evening, flo. take care. 


@sternenwaerts ,
            i'm deeply touched you recognized the messages were written by me. i mean every single word i wrote there and ask the humans mind for more words and terms that i can't express, but to thoughts i've been having since a long period of time. 
            i hope you try to believe the truth in you.


bio is heartbreaking 


@yejuns_flower hey, i can'd add anything so i'll just say that i think you're handling everything very well. feel hugged. 


@sternenwaerts your text has gotten me thinking a lot. (that‘s also why i took my time to respond.)
            Its true, why would you wanna stop in hell? Hell, it‘s hell. Either you make that place comfortable- almost impossible if the foundation isn‘t comfy - or you move somewhere else.
            There are times where I feel like i‘m losing myself.
            But there‘s that dream, it gets me keep going. That dream, it was rooted inside of me since many years.
            Maybe he was a lesson to me. Maybe i was one to him. 
            I wouldn‘t admit i would run after him but my thoughts are. Now the challenge is reactance.
            Purpose, what is mine?
            I want to keep it in mind because then there wouldn‘t be any space for him in there. Not anymore.. he gave his seat up, so why should i still reserve one for him?
            He was gentle, he was protective, he was outstandingly mine. 
            But now he‘s gone. And it‘s okay.
            Thank you for your words, they are more worthy to me than you might believe.


i read somewhere that a relationship was successful even if it ended if it taught you how to love, how to take care of someone else, how to open up to someone. so it might be helpful to walk down memory lane and see where you grew with him. he was part of your journey and maybe he gave you something that helped you develop. 
            and yeah, some time the memories will fade and you will be left with seldom remembering them but it won't hurt that much anymore. i promise you that. 
            and i am sure you meant something to him, don't doubt your part of the relationship. but please don't stop where you're standing, you gotta keep going. „if you're going through hell, keep going. why would you stop in hell?“ 
            there is going to be a guy one day who won't fade but who will love you wholly. and til then please love yourself and remember that i am here, alright? i'm your number one supporter.
            one last thing: sometimes not getting closure is better. i read a poem somewhere where it said that they are the kind of person who if they got bitten by a snake would run after the poisonous snake and try to ask them why it did that. why did it bite them? why would it do that? what did they do wrong to deserve something like that? and that's what will kill you because the snake will just keep biting and sometimes there is no reason for that, it's just their nature. so don't run after the snake but get yourself a plaster, a warm place to rest and look after the wound from time to time to make sure it heals. there are snakes, flo, but there is no use in trying to make them reassure you that they didn't bite you because you are a bad person or because you did something wrong. just keep going. wounds heal, time passes. 
            okay i wrote you a whole paragraph lol i really hope you can do something with it. xx heather 


hey !! i don’t exactly know what to text you but i just wanted to text you. so hey, how are you? 


@yejuns_flower i'm very sorry about that. anything that would help you? 
            well, i'm alright. stressed about school and stuff but just the usual xx


@sternenwaerts hey, i'm feeling happy to see a text from you. i'm.. well- let's say- let's say, i'm falling. and how are you?


if no one told you today: you’re doing great. and i believe that you got this. 


@sternenwaerts i thank you. look at the sky and imagine how it'd be to be happier. and maybe live this imagination for today. you got this too.