
this message may be offensive
hola, fellow friends!
          	so, sadly i am not big platform on wattpad. haha rip. so i am going to stretch my repertoire to include more of my interests. and that includes shameless. 
          	i have ADHD, which means i have hyper fixations. which basically means i get interested in things but like x10. so that's on shameless right now. and shameless has given me what i needed to write lengthy-er fics. 
          	this simply means i will be adding shameless shit to my library for others to be pulled in by. and since the writing more belongs on tumblr and ao3, i really hope these do well. there isn't a lot of good shameless fics on here. so i want people to find some good shit here and maybe go to my other fics.
          	now you be asking yourself. "A cautionary tale. Where is she?" and i'm going to give the answer of i do not know. i cannot get shit out onto a doc for that fic right now, but i am trying. 
          	so long story short, if you know anybody who would be interested in reading my shameless shit, send them over. also if you want to take a gander at the 'weather in chicago' please do. your comments and love are literally everything to me.
          	love ya!!
          	ciel <3


this message may be offensive
hola, fellow friends!
          so, sadly i am not big platform on wattpad. haha rip. so i am going to stretch my repertoire to include more of my interests. and that includes shameless. 
          i have ADHD, which means i have hyper fixations. which basically means i get interested in things but like x10. so that's on shameless right now. and shameless has given me what i needed to write lengthy-er fics. 
          this simply means i will be adding shameless shit to my library for others to be pulled in by. and since the writing more belongs on tumblr and ao3, i really hope these do well. there isn't a lot of good shameless fics on here. so i want people to find some good shit here and maybe go to my other fics.
          now you be asking yourself. "A cautionary tale. Where is she?" and i'm going to give the answer of i do not know. i cannot get shit out onto a doc for that fic right now, but i am trying. 
          so long story short, if you know anybody who would be interested in reading my shameless shit, send them over. also if you want to take a gander at the 'weather in chicago' please do. your comments and love are literally everything to me.
          love ya!!
          ciel <3


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          i don't ever get political, like ever. but this is absolutely insane.  racism has fucking polluted this country for e v e r, but now it time we can change it. justice for every single person. PLEASE don't support cops, no matter what you see. "all lives matter"- shut the fuck up you entitled fuck. also shut up about "blue lives matter" because no they fucking don't. they made the choice to do this.
          you might still be asking yourself, what can i do to help? please go on instagram or tumblr or twitter or any platform and promote petitions, bail funds, justice funds, speeches, whatever the fuck you can. i have donated to so much and signed so much. you can also go to P E A C E F U L protests. if you are, please make sure you are staying safe. they are so many things we have yet to do.
          also, please know that the government thinks that we are distracted by this movement that tr*mp thinks it's a good idea to start preventing LGBTQIA+ families/couples to adopt. 
          lastly, happy fuckin pride! i've been so invested in this movement that i almost forgot. as a lesbian this is a very important month. i've been out for 3 years and i was very fortunate to have  a good coming out to my family. that doesn't mean it wasn't hard to come out to myself. when you grow up mormon that's not an easy thing to do. luckily i have pushed myself, my family along with me, away from the toxicity of the LDS church.  please know that you are so valid and amazing and beautiful. you are beautiful and seen. i respect you. i love you.
          sorry this was so long, i had feelings. please have a nice day lovelies!
          ciel <3


oh why hello, long time no see. how are we all? good? good. that's good to know. there is a lot of hate going on in our world right now so i really don't  know when i'm going to post on wattpad. if you want more content from me or want to get in contact with please go follow my twitter or instagram, it'd make things a lot easier.
          instagram: rrchlo or revvcc
          twitter: claravoids
          lastly if you want some of shameless content i might post the 'weather in chicago' series here, but in the meantime you can go check out the stuff i write on my ao3. im way more "active" over there. im also way more comfortable with the ao3 layout. so please take a gander over there if you want to see me at my full writing power!
          ao3: chlorue
          please have a nice day lovelies! <3


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All right you guys are going to kill me, but I don't know when the next chapter of ACT is coming out because I have a lot going on. I'm starting high school soon and with that comes auditions. I have my audition video for Colorguard on the 15th so I've been working really hard on doing that. I've also been working a lot on school and stuff like that . I've also been distracted by Shameless  and my sisters and I are getting ready for She Ra season 5 to come out. Once I've done my shit for CG, school, and hanging with my sisters, I really hope the next chapter is out. I love you guys thanks for the support! <3


@yellowcola bby take your time!! i'm here for you if you need me just text me!! and no rush


“HEY CIEL WHERE IS THE NEW CAUTIONARY TALE?” My mind and readers most likely scream.
          Well you see. I’m trying. It feels like every time I sit down and try to write, I start writing and then i’m like ‘i’m gonna take a break.” and then like never come back. Trust me, I have about 400 words written, even 500. The first scene is done, I am trying really hard, so please bear with me.
          Love Ya!
          -ciel ♥️


@yellowcola never related more,, but take your time bby and perfect it like you usually do!!


          I got to write today! My wifi has been down all day and I wanted to get started on the third chapter of "A Cautionary Tale" and I'm so glad I got to it. I'm 400 words in and I'm so happy with what I'm doing with Stalyan. And it got me thinking. I wanted to ask what you're excited to see in this story, if you seen MG or not. 
          -ciel <3


          So I am the midst of writing the next chapter of Cautionary Tale and I wanted to ask you guys for some song suggestions. Like what do you listen to while you write. I have a playlist for every ship I usually write about. If you guys want to send me a song suggestion please do. If you guys want to listen to my New Dream/Tangled playlist the link is below!
          New Dream Playlist:


Hola! Guess who just got her school year cancelled! So that's fun!
          Anyway, I wanted to give a few new updates on my stories. I have a new Tangled story I' m working on. I'm only half way through writing the first chapter, but I thought I'd give you the basic plot and you'll understand. 
          Rapunzel is a new kid at Corona High School. One of the best school's in the school district. Now, this is a new and exciting experience for  Rapunzel, how she has never been to a real school before. Her parents wanted to homeschool her for safety reasons. Rapunzel meets Cassandra and Lance Strongbow, who show her the ropes of high school. When going through the groups, Cassandra goes over the most popular, most fake, most shiny group of them all. The Plastics. Staylan, Vex, and Faith. They befriend Rapunzel, and Cassandra convinces her to spy on them and tell her all the stupid things Staylan says. Rapunzel also meets Eugene Fitzherbert in her AP English class. She falls hard before learning he is Stalyan's ex-boyfriend. Soon enough, things get too out of hand and...well you'll have to read "A Cautionary Tale".


yeah my school year is cancelled too, but we still take online classes‍♀️


@yellowcola ooooh this is exciting,, i can't wait!!!