
Hi! I'm so sorry about my last (A/N), I've deleted it since but I felt terrible about it since it felt really passive aggressive to me after reading it :( I know it wasn't outrageously rude or anything, but nonetheless I apologise. I do appreciate every single one of you, annoying comments included (because without them I wouldn't have half the stats I do ahaha)!! Love you all and thank you for the support on my story! 


Hey author can’t wait til u keep updating chapters bc I remember the original plot and it was so good and made me want to read more !!! But I also love how this one is going too! Anyways hope you’re doing well ❤️❤️:) 


Hello dear author!
          Don't worry, I'm not here to rush you!
          I'm just worried about you! You said chapters will update soon but it's been a long time if i remember correctly. I'm not saying this cuz i want another chapter, i mean i do but that's not the point of this message. I'm worried about you! Are you okay? Everything fine? I hope it is!
          I'm terribly sorry for popping my nose into your business (well kinda your business right?).
          Some fan:) 


Hi how’s your day? I just wanted to ask about the Draco x Reader fanfic, are you discontinuing it? I is my favourite book on this app so I’m scared that it’s going to end without a proper ending. Don’t want to seem pushy so if you are continuing please take your timeHave a good day/night


Hiii, i noticed that you've deleted some chapters, i know you're going to rewrite them, but will you be rewriting only the third year or are you rewriting the whole book? Thank youu and i love you work!


@bluebeorry_ mostly just third year! second year might be slightly tweaked if I make any major changes in third year that don't flow. thank you so much for reading!