
Update- 9.23.24
          	Hey guys! Back again lol. I got some big news for October for you guys.
          	1. This isn't relevant but I had a birthday August 6th. YA BOI IS 18, I'm LEGAL XD
          	2. October I will announce Emitter's first Non-canon book! It'll be a Halloween edition. "Emitters: The Dark Harvest" 
          	3. Over on my music side I'm dropping a song on the 4th so check out @azureamante on instagram for more info!




Update- 9.23.24
          Hey guys! Back again lol. I got some big news for October for you guys.
          1. This isn't relevant but I had a birthday August 6th. YA BOI IS 18, I'm LEGAL XD
          2. October I will announce Emitter's first Non-canon book! It'll be a Halloween edition. "Emitters: The Dark Harvest" 
          3. Over on my music side I'm dropping a song on the 4th so check out @azureamante on instagram for more info!




Update- 7.13.24
          Good...Christ. It's been so long since I last posted on here. Let alone post another chapter. How y'all been?!? Good? Bad?? Let me know in the replies.
          Anyways a quick review of what happened when I left. 
          1- I graduated high-school! (clap it up for me lol) Ever since then I been trying to find time for me to come back to my first love, anime book writing.
          2- My music and youtube. I been wrapped up in making more music under my alias "Azure Amante" that it collided with my art. Also I been trying to start streaming more under another alias "Ryomen Azure" (on Youtube & Twitch) so tune into that as well.
          (Music instagram: @AzureAmante)
          (Youtube Instagram: @ryomenazure_yt)
          And finally, 3- I got a job, then quit my job XD. That's a long story on why, and I did that.
          Last thing I have to say is I'm gonna be more active on Wattpad now that I found the freetime to do so. With that being said thank you for reading. And look out for a new chapter coming next Wednesday. WATTPAD WEDNESDAYS ARE BACK!


Update- 3.11.24
          Hey guys! Did y’all miss me?! 
          Okay let’s get to the main reason. You’re probably wondering where I’ve been for months (2 FREAKING MONTHS). 
          For 1 I’ve been more focused on 3 things. My schoolwork, my music, and my new job. I dropped an extended play over my 2 month break and I’m currently in the works for the deluxe of that album. But, now that I got all that over with finally, I can get back to work on making Volume 3!
          Anyways, I would like to thank you for tuning into the Emitters journey from this point. The next chapter is to be released this Wednesday! Tune in!


Update- 1.12.24-
          Good morning my people. This is my biggest & most important announcement! Please take your time reading this update!
          1. Emitters Volume 2 Finale!
          Today! It's finally happening! Today at 3PM E/ST the final episode and Volume 3 trailer will be dropping! Thank you for tuning into the book thus far!
          2. Season 2
          Starting on the 31st (a Wednesday as promised) the first official Episode of Season 2 will be underway.
          3. New characters?
          A total of 5 (to be determined) new characters are to be added. 2 Garnetiers will be in this volume. Call it double trouble if you want.
          Before I conclude this update I would like to say, I will be doing Wattpad Wednesday's on my Instagram! There I will put updates on my book as a post. 
          That is all for today's update, this is your anime author signing out for today. If you need to talk, I'm always available @heyimtaeeee on Instagram. (New Insta, Go Follow)


Update- 1.8.24-
          Heyyoo, people. Happy New Year! How are y'all doing? What did y'all do over the break? There's a lot I need to speak about, so bare with me.
          1. Volume 2's end
          The end of Volume 2 is on the horizon! It will officially drop this Friday. After weeks of it being teased and finally coming into the new year, it's about time I give you all what you want.
          2. The Future of Emitters
          As some of you may know, I have been doing music more than writing books. I apologize for the long waits. I plan to continue Emitters all the way up to my eleventh volume before I end it. 
          3. That "New Year, New Me" B.S
          I know about that "New Year, New Me" crap, it's honestly stupid if I say it. I don't wanna say it because if I don't live up to it then I'd look dumb for it. But what I can promise is how many volumes for this year. I want at least 4 volumes for 2024, full length too. 
          4. Non-canon stories?
          I don't feel like creating a non-canon story would do much for my book as a whole but I plan to make at least 1 this year.
          5. Going back to the normal upload schedule
          This year will be the year of promises. Episodes are to go back to being dropped every Wednesday (after volume 2 of course). 
          That is all for today's update, this is your anime author signing out for today. If you need to talk, I'm always available @heyimtaeeee on Instagram. (New Insta, Go Follow)


Update- 12.19.23- 
          Hey Guys, it's your anime author here. I have a few announcements to make.
          1. Xmas story???
          The plan is still to drop the episode on Christmas! Its 30% Done!
          2. The main story line
          The book was delayed for a minute but I'm posting the second to last episode tomorrow at 2PM EST! The final episode is scheduled for the 30th or 31st before the end of the year!
          3. Volume 3?
          Volume 3 is scheduled for Mid-January. New characters will be introduced, and a new addition to the lore as well! Can't say anymore ;)
          That is all for today's update, this is your anime author signing out for today. If you need to talk, I'm always available @heyimtaeeee on Instagram. (New Insta, Go Follow)


Update- 11.27.23- 
          Hey Guys, been a while buttttt, it's your anime author here. I have some announcements to make.
          1st of all.) 
          Happy late Thanksgiving, I was out of school and with my family for the long break so I wasn't able to update the story or the weekly updates. But I'll be back until December 22nd. 
          2. The Parts.)
          There is a 3 part episode. This episode should be done before the end of this week. If you noticed the stories are shorter then the rest, being at least 1000 words or less. This is because since the 3 stories are all connected and I don't want to extend/over explain what's going on. I'd rather let the reader use their imagination on what happens next.
          That is all for today's update, this is your anime author signing out for today. If you need to talk, I'm always available on Instagram.


Update- 11.3.23- 
          Hey Guys, it's your anime author here. I have 3 announcements to make.
          1. New Episode up now
          Episode 12 I believe is up now! Make sure to go read it
          2. Part A?
          If you already noticed, you could see that Episode 12 is separated into 2 parts. Part A & Part B. Part A is the one I released today, and the next part is releasing on the 8th of November. As this Volume (and season) is coming to an end, I want to surprise everyone with an amazing final fight for the season finale. 
          3. Christmas
          A Christmas story is coming! It will be separated into 12 parts, no more than 1000 words. The story will not be a part of the canon by the way.
          That is all for today's update, this is your anime author signing out for today. If you need to talk, I'm always available on Instagram.


Update- 10.30.23- 
          Hey Guys, it's your anime author here. I'M BACK!
          After taking almost a month of a break from writing, I've found the motivation to come back
          With that being said, the next episode is finally set to release the first day of November! Thank you all for hanging in there, be ready for this return >:)