Update- 1.8.24-
Heyyoo, people. Happy New Year! How are y'all doing? What did y'all do over the break? There's a lot I need to speak about, so bare with me.
1. Volume 2's end
The end of Volume 2 is on the horizon! It will officially drop this Friday. After weeks of it being teased and finally coming into the new year, it's about time I give you all what you want.
2. The Future of Emitters
As some of you may know, I have been doing music more than writing books. I apologize for the long waits. I plan to continue Emitters all the way up to my eleventh volume before I end it.
3. That "New Year, New Me" B.S
I know about that "New Year, New Me" crap, it's honestly stupid if I say it. I don't wanna say it because if I don't live up to it then I'd look dumb for it. But what I can promise is how many volumes for this year. I want at least 4 volumes for 2024, full length too.
4. Non-canon stories?
I don't feel like creating a non-canon story would do much for my book as a whole but I plan to make at least 1 this year.
5. Going back to the normal upload schedule
This year will be the year of promises. Episodes are to go back to being dropped every Wednesday (after volume 2 of course).
That is all for today's update, this is your anime author signing out for today. If you need to talk, I'm always available @heyimtaeeee on Instagram. (New Insta, Go Follow)