Tomorrow I'm going to the hospital to draw out some blood (for medical checkup due to irregular period ) and some sample of my phglem for any signs of tibi(tuberculosis). Hoping that everything will be fine, and I really hope that it was just a simple coughing fit, not disease like tuberculosis .I'm asking for your prayers, please let it be just a normal cough ,borahae . Besok aku harus ke rs utk pengambilan darah ( bagi tujuan medical checkup utk period yg kurang teratur) dan jga pengambilan sampel kahak utk memastikan samaada aku cuma batuk kering biasa atau terkena tibi (amit2 deh). Semoga semuanya berjalan lancar, dan semoga keputusan nya jga baik ,klo aku cuman terkena batuk kering biasa, bukannya tibi. Mohon doa nya ya army-deul, borahae .

@kookiesbun07 thank you. Will get the results next month,hope everything is OK .